Full-stack dev quiz question #9

Full-stack dev quiz question #9

quizOracle is one of the most popular database engines. It is good to know how to query such database. The ninth question of the quiz for a full-stack developer is here.

Check the answer to the eighth question.



The following query was written in SQL to run on Oracle database.

    SELECT t.*, rownum r
    FROM (
        SELECT id, account_id, value
        FROM transactions
        ORDER BY id) t
    WHERE rownum <= 19) f
WHERE r >= 10

What does it return? Choose one answer.

  1. 10 rows for which a value in the rownum column is at most 19
  2. numbers from 10 to 19
  3. 9 randomly chosen rows from the transactions table
  4. rows that were assigned internal row identifiers from 10 to 19 inclusive
  5. the second page of rows ordered by id where a page has 10 rows
  6. all rows from the transactions table ordered by id


For the answer scroll down















The correct answer is e. For more information about it, see new pagination method in Oracle 12c.

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