Java 17 new features since 11

Java 17 new features since 11

Are you experienced with Java 11 and would you like to start writing applications in Java 17? Then you have to learn what new features are available. Of course, you can check new features of each consecutive Java version from 11 to 17. But why go around instead of directly checking a list of all new features available in Java 17 since 11? I have prepared one - the most important and useful language changes are in this article.


Hazelcast cache

Spring Boot 3 with Hazelcast 5 cache

Spring Boot 3 with Hazelcast 5 cacheHazelcast cache

Hazelcast is one of the most popular caches. We would be shocked if it didn't integrate with Spring Boot. Basic integration is quite easy but not as simple as many could expect. One of the famous Hazelcast issues is a lack of good backward compatibility. The developers change the interfaces way too often. See how to integrate Spring Boot 3 with Hazelcast 5 in a simple example.

unchecked input

Fix for Unchecked_Input_for_Loop_Condition reported by Checkmarx

Fix for Unchecked_Input_for_Loop_Condition reported by CheckmarxAI face

When validating vulnerabilities reported by Checkmarx, you may run into Unchecked_Input_for_Loop_Condition. If you are unfamiliar with it, it may look mysterious. You may have an impression, that it appears in random places, but that is why I am here. I will show you what it is and how to deal with it. 

local cache

Caching possibilities

Caching has different faces. It can live long or short, be local or distributed, and use various eviction strategies. Surprisingly, there are many options to choose from. Some can be implemented quickly and some will require adding new technology to the project. What should I choose for my application? Are there any universal solutions?


GSON array

GSON build array with newlines

GSON build array with newlinesGSON array

JSON has become a famous data format for exchanging information over the Internet. It is commonly used in REST API and for storing loosely structured data. Compared to XML, it is concise, and unfortunately, less human readable. Beautifiers and pretty printers can easily enhance this. I will show you the different options available in GSON to convert an array of objects to a JSON string.

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