Software development offer


What we offer

We build or develop IT software on every stage:

  • gathering requirements,
  • conceptual architecture,
  • software development (database, backend, frontend),
  • manual and automated testing.

Tell us what you need and we will find a solution.


In addition to software development, we offer deploying it to the cloud as well as support and maintenance. You can rely on us for the whole area related to computer software.


Technology we use

We believe that solving business problems and delivering value is on the first place. Technology is only a tool to build software that you need. We have a broad experience with many JVM and RDBMS technologies which helps us choose the right stack for each case.

We have proven experience from previous projects in:

  • Java
  • Spring
  • Hibernate
  • Java Script
  • jQuery
  • Angular
  • SQL Server
  • Oracle
  • MySQL
  • Sahi
  • Liquibase

How we do it

The journey starts from the business need. You have a problem to address or a requirement that needs to be met. We talk and discuss. We find a solution and present you a concept. We choose a methodology. As big fans of Agile so that is how we would like to approach the solution unless you have some restrictions. Regularly, new version of software with new features is delivered to you for verification we are going the right direction. It also allows you to change the next steps, reprioritize or request new features.

how we do it

Interested? Contact us.

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