Training offer

We offer a wide range of trainings which can be conducted in a form of a presentation or a workshop. The following topics have already been presented to our clients. The same can be done for you! Remember that we are open for new requests. If you have a need for training, please contact us.

Agile and Scrum

Title Participants will
What problems Agile tries to solve and how
  • see why Agile was created in the first place,
  • understand Agile philosophy.
What is Scrum
  • learn principles of Scrum,
  • undestand Agile and Scrum philosophy,
  • play a Scrum game to feel the whole idea.
User stories in Scrum
  • understand the difference between tasks in Waterfall and user stories in Scrum,
  • learn how to break down features to manageable user stories,
  • see advantage of incremental approach vs Big Bang approach.
Estimating user stories
  • learn the concept of story points,
  • play an estimation game.


Databases (SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL)

Title Participants will
Advanced SQL
  • learn advanced features of SQL,
  • practice writing complex queries.
Performance optimization of SQL queries
  • learn how to approach performance issues in a database,
  • understand Execution Plan,
  • practice performance optimization.
Full Text Search in SQL Server
  • explore features of Full-Text Search.
Database schema versioning with Liquibase
  • learn how to use Liquibase to version database code.



Title Participants will
Your first application with Spring
  • learn the concept of Spring,
  • create a web application with Spring Boot and Spring Framework.
Google Sign In in your web application
  • understand OAuth2 protocol,
  • add Google Sign In to a web application.



Title Participants will
Testing user interface with Sahi
  • create a suite of tests in Sahi for a web application.


Trainings can be customized based on client needs. We can discuss a topic, a form, a duration as well as a location. We are based in Krakow (Poland), but we are open for other options. We can arrange a session in one of modern conference rooms available in the city or onsite in your office.

Events can be conducted in Polish or English.

Please send your requests and questions to email small1. We will respond to you as soon as possible.

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