Liquibase Hub sunset

Liquibase shuts down Hub in favor of database Observability feature

Liquibase shuts down Hub in favor of database Observability featureLiquibase Hub Sunset

After a few years of promoting Liquibase Hub, it is officially shutting down. Apparently, it wasn't so broadly used as it had been expected. If you haven't started to use it, yet, now you don't have to. If you have, you can consider moving to the database Observability feature. Unfortunately, it is available in Liquibase Pro.


Liquibase exam for free

Liquibase offers a Certified Associate Exam for free

Liquibase published a promotion for a Liquibase Certified Associate Exam. Regular price is $150, so if you use Liquibase, you might be interested in using the coupon and passing the exam.

Spring Boot 3

Spring Boot 3 is released

We have not had to wait long since Spring Framework 6 was released for Spring Boot 3 to become available as an official release. November 24, 2022 was the day when it was published as a GA (General Available) release.

Spring 6 released

Spring Framework 6 is released

A few days ago, a new version of Spring - Spring Framework 6 was made officially available. It is a major upgrade as it utilizes the JDK 17 features. Spring 6 also comes with support of Jakarta EE 9, which means Tomcat 10.1 will work seamlessly with Spring Framework.

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