sum of random numbers

What is the most probable sum of random numbers

Anyone who has a dice can play a simple game. Choose a number greater than 6. Then roll the dice until the sum of the rolled numbers is equal to or greater than the chosen number. If the sum at some point is equal to the chosen number, you win. What is the number that gives you the highest chance of winning? Mathematicians know the answer, but I have decided to develop a simple program to test it.


Human population through time

Human population through time

humanPopulationHow many people were there on the Earth 100 years ago? 1000 years ago? What about 100 000 years ago? It is pretty clear the population has been growing but was it a constant growth? How did the World War II influence it? This short video shows how the number of people changed through time.


52! is big. How big? HUGE!

52! is big. How big? HUGE!

bigNumbersI have seen a video that made a significant impression on me. Besides some other interesting information included in the first half of it, the second one blew my mind. There are no doubts that 52! is a big number. But how big? There is no point to say how many zeros this number has because it will not help much. Our minds are not used to visualizing really big numbers. Michael shows a great way to visualize 52! Enjoy.


How to land the space shuttle

How to land the space shuttle IT is absorbing. We all know it but science is also impressive and some cool stuff is out there on the internet waiting for us to be watched. I spend a part of my spare time on digging science videos on Youtube and educating myself by watching them. "Educating", yeah, I am looking for a smart explanation for me sitting on a couch and starring at the display :-) This or the other way around, I would like to start sharing awesome videos that I watch.

howToLandIT is absorbing. We all know it but science is also impressive and some cool stuff is out there on the internet waiting for us to be watched. I spend a part of my spare time on digging science videos on Youtube and educating myself by watching them. "Educating", yeah, I am looking for a smart explanation for me sitting on a couch and starring at the display :-) This or the other way around, I would like to start sharing awesome videos that I watch.

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