
Full-stack dev quiz question #71

Full-stack dev quiz question #71quiz

Choosing between ECS and EKS in AWS isn't obvious. Check the seventy-first question of full-stack dev quiz to see if you know the basics of running containers in AWS.


Full-stack dev quiz question #70

Full-stack dev quiz question #69quiz

Java 17 has a lot of cool features. Check the seventieth question of full-stack dev quiz to see if you know which ones are new since Java 11.


Full-stack dev quiz question #69

Full-stack dev quiz question #69quiz

Last week, I published an article about Hazelcast. Have you read it? Check the sixty-ninth question of full-stack dev quiz to see if you got it right.


Full-stack dev quiz question #68

Full-stack dev quiz question #68quiz

Don't ignore security. It is important. Check the sixty-eighth question of full-stack dev quiz, if you know what Unchecked_Input_for_Loop_Condition vulnerability is.

sum of random numbers

What is the most probable sum of random numbers

Anyone who has a dice can play a simple game. Choose a number greater than 6. Then roll the dice until the sum of the rolled numbers is equal to or greater than the chosen number. If the sum at some point is equal to the chosen number, you win. What is the number that gives you the highest chance of winning? Mathematicians know the answer, but I have decided to develop a simple program to test it.


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