
Full-stack dev quiz question #66

Full-stack dev quiz question #66quiz

I know, it has taken some time since the last article. Probably it is even more important to test what you remember. Check the sixty sixth question of full-stack dev quiz to find out, what you remember about GSON.

What actually is GSON?

Choose the best answer.

  1. A Java object that can be instantiated only once.
  2. A new more human-readable data format than XML and JSON.
  3. Google-made caching library.
  4. An architecture design concept, that puts data flows between components in the first place.
  5. A library for operations on JSON especially: serialization and deserialization.
  6. An Angular library with the most commonly used components: datepickers, calendars, and maps.

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The correct answer is: e. If you would like to read more, check GSON build array with newlines article.

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