drop default constraint

How to drop default constraint without knowing its name in SQL Server

How to drop default constraint without knowing its name in SQL ServerxAI face

It is way simpler to drop a default constraint if you know its name. But in real life, we often create a column with a default value without giving it a custom name. It works well until we change our mind and want to change the default or even drop it. Then the real problem begins. How to drop default constraint without knowing its name in SQL Server?


unique index with multiple NULLs

MySQL unique index with null values

Can a database table have multiple rows with a NULL value in a column if there is a unique index on it? That seems like a question that we should have known the answer to from a basic RDBMS course from our studies. But for some reasons, some developers will say NO and some will strongly defend the YES option. Which group are you in?


Database performance for Hibernate developers course

Database performance for Hibernate developers

Have you ever wondered why database operations in your application are slow? Is it because of the database or Hibernate or both? Is there anything that can be done to improve that? What are those mysterious database indexes? Does using Hibernate leave me no field for performance optimization?


Dbvisit; what it is and why you should choose this Data Recovery Software

Imagine arriving at your workplace one morning, opening up your computer, and logging into your Oracle Database only to get the dreaded ‘error’ report, which says that all the information you saved the previous day has been wiped away.

Imagine arriving at your workplace one morning, opening up your computer, and logging into your Oracle Database only to get the dreaded ‘error’ report, which says that all the information you saved the previous day has been wiped away.

The mere thought probably makes your skin crawl, right?

Script to kill all database connections

killConnectionsEach SQL Server database administrator and database developer has a set of scripts that should always be somewhere close. One of them is the one that kills a bunch of connections to a database. It can be a group of all connections, those made by a particular login or the ones using a specific database. No matter what actual conditions are, killing dozens or hundreds connections manually is not fun. Here are provide an SQL script that can be easily customized to cover a specific need. The below version destroys all non-background connections to a database called MyDatabase.

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