artificial intelligence

Will AI steal job from software developers?

Will AI steal job from software developers?AI face

In November 2022, Open AI released ChatGPT 3. It quickly went viral. Social media is still massively flooded with screenshots and screencasts from the chat. Until now I calmly observed the situation sitting in the corner. But I have recently watched a non-technical video in which the speaker shared his opinion that now developers will lose their jobs, as now ChatGPT can do their tasks. The speaker was not an IT expert in any sense, but that was his impression, and he was sure about what he was saying.


time zones

Time zones hell

Time zones helltime zones

Time zones are much more complex than we think they are. This video show how difficult this subject is and why we all should be grateful for libraries that already cover that for us.


They store my password unencrypted!

How user passwords should be stored in a database? Some systems keep them in cleartext, some encrypt them, some use hash functions. What must be done to ensure proper security for our users? Which hashing algorithms are good and which are bad?

Views and visitors in 2018

Views and visitors in 2018

chart smallLast year I published some statistics for Hundreds of people viewed it so there was some interest in it. It was also a chance for me to see how it looked in 2017. Both reasons convinced me to gather similar statisics for 2018. Join me in taking a closer look at it.


Views and visitors in 2017

Views and visitors in 2017

chart small2017 has just ended so it is time for summarizing what we have done. What has gone well and what should be done differently in the future. For it has been a successful year. Number of views and visitors has been increasing every year since the creation of this website. For the first time, I would like to publish some statistics.

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