Story Points

Scrum Story Points will not work for you

Scrum Story Points will not work for youScrum Story Points will not work for you

Agile methodologies are based on relative estimating. It is a fundamental element of Scrum which increases accuracy and predictability of projects cost and timeline. If you adopt Scrum, you really should estimate in Story Points. However, if you give up on some Scrum rules, Story Points will do a lot of harm. See when you should not even try using Story Points. 

Can I change story estimate during sprint?

story points

Can I change a story estimate during a sprint?

This scenario happens to almost every team at some point in time. A user story is estimated to a relatively small value e.g. 1 Story Point. It is added to the Sprint Backlog during Spring Planning. When a developer starts working on it, it becomes obvious that the user story is bigger than 1 SP. Should the estimate be updated?

Six sins of forming Scrum Teams

Six sins of forming Scrum Teams

teamsA Scrum Team is not just a set of random people that work in the same company. It is a specific group that meets a bunch of conditions. Rules and guidelines of Scrum Teams creation are well described by Scrum methodology. I have talked to different people about it over the years and I noticed that there is a set of common misunderstandings regarding Scrum Teams. If you look around, you may notice some of them.


Working software over comprehensive documentation

Working software over comprehensive documentation

docDoes the title sound familiar? This is the second point listed in Agile Manifesto. Do you remember about it everyday at work? Do you really understand what it means and why it is so important? I am sure some of us do not because I have met two such persons in the last couple of weeks :)

Why does refactoring matter?

Why does refactoring matter?

refactoring infographic smallWhat is a new feature development cost? Why is it worth to refactor? Infographic by


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