
Full-stack dev quiz question #62

Full-stack dev quiz question #62quiz

Do you know how to prepare update and rollback SQL scripts with Liquibase that can be provided to a DBA? Check sixty second question of full-stack dev quiz to verify that.

Imagine that you use in your project Liquibase to manage database structure. Unfortunately, you are not allowed to run Liquibase on a production database, so you have to prepare two SQL scripts:

  • update SQL script - that will update the database structure to the latest version based on Liquibase change log file.
  • rollback SQL script - that will rollback all those changes from the update SQL script

Which Liquibase command will generate such rollback SQL script without using tags or counting a number of changes to rollback? Choose the best answer.

  1. rollback
  2. rollbackSQL
  3. rollbackToSQL
  4. verifyUpdateRollback
  5. futureRollbackSQL

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The correct answer is: e. If you would like to read more, check Generate SQL script from Liquibase changelog file article.

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