NGPOLAND 2016 is coming

NGPOLAND 2016 is coming This month I am going to probably the first such event in Poland - an AngularJS conference. NGPOLAND 2016 is spread across two days - November 21st and 22nd. The first day contains workshops and the second one will be presentations. Most of the speakers are Google employees that are well known from other presentations. There are also speakers from other companies.

ngpoland 2016This month I am going to probably the first such event in Poland - an AngularJS conference. NGPOLAND 2016 is spread across two days - November 21st and 22nd. The first day contains workshops and the second one will be presentations. Most of the speakers are Google employees that are well known from other presentations. There are also speakers from other companies.

The sessions list attracted my attention - each presentation is very short. Really short. None of them is going to fill even an hour. It seem unusual to me, because I am afraid that we will not dive into a subject deep enough in such a short time. But on the other hand I have two reasons to be optimistic about that. First, I have seen many presentations which were far from being interesting and they could have finished after the first 30 minutes. Second, I am not going to learn how to use server-side rendering with Angular 2 by listening to one speech anyway so why 40 minutes could not be enough to show me the idea behind it?

My favorite list of topics (the full agenda is here):

  • Angular 2 and WebSockets by Adam Nowaczyk
  • Even more opinionated Angular 2 Style Guide by Alex Lakatos
  • Using Angular-CLI to Deploy an Angular 2 App Using Firebase in 30 minutes by Tracy Lee


Another thing that gets me excited about this even is a place where it is located - the polish national stadium in Warsaw. I have not seen it from inside, so I am curious how it is like.

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