Choosing between ECS and EKS in AWS isn't obvious. Check the seventy-first question of full-stack dev quiz to see if you know the basics of running containers in AWS.
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Choosing between ECS and EKS in AWS isn't obvious. Check the seventy-first question of full-stack dev quiz to see if you know the basics of running containers in AWS.
When looking at a list of services in AWS, you can easily be impressed by how many of them there are. There seem to be options for everything that is more or less standard. On the other hand, if you are new to the Amazon cloud, it is even overwhelming, and you consider hiring a certified AWS professional. There is more than one option even for running a simple Docker image. In this article, I explain your options and how to choose between them.
What is Docker? Why it was created? What is the difference between a Docker image and a container? Why are there so many Docker tools? Are they all needed? In this article, I describe the whole story from the very beginning... And it all starts with installing a Tomcat on a physical server.
Java 17 has a lot of cool features. Check the seventieth question of full-stack dev quiz to see if you know which ones are new since Java 11.
Are you experienced with Java 11 and would you like to start writing applications in Java 17? Then you have to learn what new features are available. Of course, you can check new features of each consecutive Java version from 11 to 17. But why go around instead of directly checking a list of all new features available in Java 17 since 11? I have prepared one - the most important and useful language changes are in this article.
It is way simpler to drop a default constraint if you know its name. But in real life, we often create a column with a default value without giving it a custom name. It works well until we change our mind and want to change the default or even drop it. Then the real problem begins. How to drop default constraint without knowing its name in SQL Server?
Last week, I published an article about Hazelcast. Have you read it? Check the sixty-ninth question of full-stack dev quiz to see if you got it right.
Hazelcast is one of the most popular caches. We would be shocked if it didn't integrate with Spring Boot. Basic integration is quite easy but not as simple as many could expect. One of the famous Hazelcast issues is a lack of good backward compatibility. The developers change the interfaces way too often. See how to integrate Spring Boot 3 with Hazelcast 5 in a simple example.
Don't ignore security. It is important. Check the sixty-eighth question of full-stack dev quiz, if you know what Unchecked_Input_for_Loop_Condition vulnerability is.